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will this game be downloadable for windows as well? because i can't play it in the browser (I'm using opera GX)


I loved this game!!!





This looks great but I can’t play it on Chrome, Edge or Firefox. I just get these errors. Am I doing something wrong?

Error The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing: Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers) SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

Hello, I had exactly these errors when I exported the game and opened the HTML file directly. It works well for me and no one reported this problem.

I enabled SharedArrayBuffer on itch already so it could be your machine in particular unless someone else also has this problem.

Ah I got it. It won’t work in my collection or inline, but it works if I go to your page directly outside of the jam and open it from there! Just in case anyone else hits this issue.

Good to know! Might be a problem from Itch maybe. I suspect it to not enable SharedArrayBuffer in the cases you mentioned but I might be totally wrong.


I love anime style, was quite impressed by the first cutscene!



I saw one of your graphics designer comment the art in my game was nice but it can't be compared with this level.

It's different style>:(!! I do really love your art:)!


The art was amazing and the gameplay felt like browser games i played when i was a child. The music and sounds represented the atmosphere well and gave me a chill too! I am looking forward to play your future games. (i hope i was not so formal i am very bad at communicating believe me)

creepy human-robot combinations are amazing

Thanks a lot! There are more games to come for sure!

I understand you so it's ok haha! ^^


Is this game actually possible? I can't get pass the first few robots.

The last update will come soon, it's not playable yet but we created the itch page and posted the game so we don't have to do it at the last minute.